Pin-tailed Parrotfinch chicks do not need live food, although it would probably do them good.   Grit and crushed cuttlefish/ vitamin mix always available

Soaked Seed - soak Graham Lee's/ Dutch seed mix in Aviclens™ for 12 hours, drain & leave 12 hours, disinfect, drain and feed

8Kg - White Millet
7Kg - Plain Canary
3Kg - Plate Millet
3Kg - Japanese Millet
1Kg - Crushed Oats (Pinhead)
1Kg - Grass Seed or Bushwacker
Five nearly 'to the perch'
almost independent

Depending on chick numbers and age, 2 or 3 dishes, each with 2 heaped tablespoons of soaked seed are available daily per cage.   This is a daily total of 5 or 6 heaped tablespoons

At day 14, I add Paddy Rice in equal measure to Graham's mix.   This is very   controversial.   Others don't do this

I find chicks wean much easier with large soaked/ soft seeds (Paddy Rice & Groats)

Bengalese unlikely to eat paddy rice initially, but there for fledglings to get used to

Water - add vitamins, probiotics (BioPlus™),(calcium (Calcivet™) and whatever else you desire

After first week probiotics might only be given every alternate day

Eggfood - (another Graham Lee/ Dutch mix)

500 gms - Cede Tropical™
500 gms - Cede Normal™
150 gms - Proboost™
100 gms - Wheatgerm
60 gms - Vitamins
10 gms - Pro-bird Herbmix™
5 gms - Spirulina

Just moistened with orange juice - to bind.   About a teaspoon of juice to 3 tablespoons of eggfood

Put mix into 2 or 3 small dishes.   One or two dishes given in the morning and 1 kept in fridge for use later in the day

Pin-tailed Parrotfinch chicks do not need live food, although it would probably do good.   Grit and crushed cuttlefish/ vitamin mix always available

Soaked Seed - soak Graham Lee's/ Dutch seed mix in Aviclens™ for 12 hours, drain & leave 12 hours, then sdisinfect, drain and feed

8Kg - White Millet
7Kg - Plain Canary
3Kg - Plate Millet
3Kg - Japanese Millet
1Kg - Crushed Oats (Pinhead)
1Kg - Grass Seed or Bushwacker

Depending on chick numbers and age, 2 or 3 dishes, each with 2 heaped tablespoons of soaked seed available daily per cage ie. daily total of 5 or 6 heaped tablespoons

Day 14, I add Paddy Rice in equal measure to Graham's mix.   Controversial.   Others don't do this

I find chicks wean much easier with large soaked/ soft seeds (Paddy Rice & Groats).   Bengalese unlikely to eat paddy rice initially, but there for fledglings to get used to

Five nearly 'to the perch'
almost independent

Eggfood - (another Graham Lee/ Dutch mix)

500 gms - Cede Tropical™
500 gms - Cede Normal™
150 gms - Proboost™
100 gms - Wheatgerm
60 gms - Vitamins
10 gms - Pro-bird Herbmix™
5 gms - Spirulina

Water - add vitamins, probiotics (BioPlus™),(calcium (Calcivet™)

After first week probiotics might only be given every alternate day

Just moistened with orange juice - to bind.   About a teaspoon of juice to 3 tablespoons of eggfood

Put mix into 2 or 3 small dishes

One or two dishes given in the morning and 1 in fridge for later in the day